Congratulation Awardees!

This year awardees attended at the ceremony, Professor C. K. Ober, Professor D. W. Janes, Dr. T. Inoue, Professor C. Ellison, Professor S. Matsui, Dr. H. Hiroshima, and Professor Y. Hirai, from left.


The Photopolymer Science and Technology Award 151100, The Outstanding Achievement Award 2015

Christopher K. Ober, Cornell University

The Photopolymer Science and Technology Award 152100, The Best Paper Award 2015

           Dustin W. Janes1, Takejiro Inoue2,3, Bradley D. McCoy1, Ishita Madan1, Paul F. Nealey2, C. Grant Willson1and Christopher J. Ellison1, The University of Texas1, The University of Chicago2, Toray Industries3

The Photopolymer Science and Technology Award 152200, The Best Paper Award 2015

Shinji Matsui1,5, Hiroshi Hiroshima2,5, Yoshihiko Hirai3,5 and Masaru Nakagawa4,5, University of Hyogo1, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)2, Osaka Prefecture University3, Tohoku University4, JST-CREST5