フォトポリマー学会 理事会



渡邊 健夫 会長

 渡邊健夫氏は、現在、兵庫県公立大学法人 兵庫県立大学 学長特別補佐(先端科学技術・異分野社融合研究推進担当) 高度産業科学技術研究所長特別補佐、極端紫外線リソグラフィー研究開発センター長、教授の任にあり、極端紫外線リソグラフィー(EUVL)の基盤技術の研究開発に1993年より従事してきた。これまで約20年間4つの国家プロジェクトに参画・先導し、多くの国内外の企業との共同研究を推進した成果が2019年の7 nm世代のロジックデバイス用の量産技術としてEUVLの適用に結び付いた。この分野で240篇以上の論文を公刊した。

1990年より、シャープ株式会社中央研究所にて、先端DRAM用半導体微細加工の基盤技術開発に従事した。1996年に姫路工業大学(現 兵庫県立大学)の助手として赴任し、以来、フォトレジスト、露光装置、EUVマスク等をはじめとする先端半導体用微細加工技術の研究開発を進めてきた。




早川 晃鏡 副会長、国際会議実行委員長




永原 誠司 副会長

 Dr. Seiji Nagahara is serving as Senior Director / Senior Chief Engineer in Tokyo Electron Ltd (TEL). He works for marketing and development of the next generation coater/developer tools and resist processes in TEL. His journey began with positions at NEC, NEC Electronics and Renesas Electronics, where he contributed to research and development initiatives. He researched lithography related technologies in a variety of places including Toshiba, Japan (as an assignee from NEC Electronics for joint development), IMEC, Belgium (as an assignee from NEC Electronics), University of California, Berkeley, USA (as a Visiting Industrial Fellow from NEC Electronics), and Argonne National Laboratory, USA (Visiting Researcher sent by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan). Throughout his career, Dr. Nagahara has been at the forefront of research spanning various lithography-related technologies including EUV lithography equipment/process/materials and DSA processes. He holds Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering from Osaka University and has authored numerous technical papers, book chapters, and patents. He also contributes to the academic and technical societies including The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology, MNC, SPIE, SEAJ, IEEE IRDS, SEMI JAPAN STS, DSA Symposium and so on as a committee member. Since April 2024, he has been the SPST vice president.



岡村 晴之 国際学術誌出版委員長

 Haruyuki Okamura has been the Associate Professor at Osaka Metropolitan University since Apr. 2022. He received the Ph.D. degree  from Kyoto University in Nov. 1998. He worked at Osaka Prefecture University as assistant professor from Jan. 1999. Since Oct. 2011, He has been an associate professor. He was also a visiting scholar at Cornell University from Aug. 2009 to Mar. 2010. His research interests are polymer chemistry, photoresist and degradation. Since April 2024, he has been the SPST director of publication.



尾坂 格 国際学術賞選考委員長




工藤 宏人 事務局長
