Manuscript Preparation

Instructions to Authors


Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology is devoted to the publication of articles on the scientific progress and the technical development of photopolymers.


  1. General Paper, Communication, Technical Paper and Review are published.
  2. All contributions should be written in English.

  3. All the articles must contain an abstract and 3~6 keywords.

  4. Communication is short submission of 4~6 pages which contain new results. The subject matters of Communication may be republished in more details.

  5. Manuscripts should be prepared following the Manual for Manuscript Writing.

  6. The day on which the manuscript arrives at the editorial office shall be the received date.
  7. The authors bear full responsibility for the content of their articles.
  8. All the papers submitted are reviewed by the referee system of the Journal. The editorial board requests to revise the manuscript when the reviewer's comments have good reason.  The revised pages should be retyped completely, and sent before the deadline proposed by the editorial board.
  9. To support a part of the cost of publication of journal pages, the author’s institution is requested to purchase reprint.
  10. The preparation of manuscripts for the Journal should be followed to "Instructions to Authors" and "Manual for Manuscript Writing". Submit the manuscripts to electronic submission system at


    The Editorial Office

    Haruyuki Okamura

    Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology

    Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Metropolitan University,

    1-1 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, Sakai, Osaka 599-9531, Japan

    E-mail: okamura(at)


  11. The electronic file may be used for the electric publication of the Journal and for the direct printing process of publication.  Note: In all cases the Editorial Office reserves the right to decide whether to use a manuscript from authors' files or not.


   Submit the manuscripts to Editorial Manager (Click here). 



Manual for Manuscript Writing

Detailed manual for manuscript writing can be downloaded below or also available from the top page of Editorial Manager.

Data Download

Author's Manual (English)
(updated Mar. 11, 2024)
Microsoft Word Document 810.9 KB
Author's Manual (Japanese)
(updated Mar. 11, 2024)
Microsoft Word Document 396.2 KB

Sample Manuscript (Manuscript Template)
(updated Mar. 11, 2024)
Microsoft Word Document 940.3 KB
Checking Form (English)
(updated Mar. 11, 2024)
Microsoft Word Document 42.5 KB
Checking Form (Japanese)
(updated Apr. 4, 2024)
Microsoft Word Document 36.0 KB

Transfer Copyright Agreement
(updated Mar. 11, 2024)
Microsoft Word Document 31.5 KB

Journal Page Layout Sample

Click to view or download here.

(updated Mar. 11, 2024)
Adobe Acrobat Document 468.4 KB